The Latrobe Heritage Trust
is able to add to your generosity towards Hammerwood:
The National Trust annually receives important bequests free of inheritance tax which are crucial to the upkeep and improvement of National Trust properties. None of these funds can ever help a non-National Trust house.
The policy of the Latrobe Heritage Trust is to grant aid important non-National Trust houses and parks subject to conditions relating to their opening to the public so that their future, as part of the nation's heritage, is equally assured. If you would like to make a bequest to the Latrobe Heritage Trust in your Will, such donations are free of Inheritance Tax.
Further details can be supplied by the Trustees: please write to the Trustees c/o Hammerwood Park.
TheTrust is a registered charity, number 327409.
The purposes of the Trust are:
(i) to awaken public interest in and public appreciation of Britain's architectural heritage,
(ii) to encourage the study of that heritage and related matters and in particular but without prejudice to the foregoing the architectural and engineering works of Benjamin Henry Latrobe
(iii) to promote high standards of architectural conservation and restoration
(iv) to save from needless destruction or disfigurement buildings or groups of buildings and designed landscapes of special historic or architectural interest.
The furthering of any of the above-mentioned objects can be achieved in any of the following ways:
(a) the printing publication and distribution by sale or otherwise of books pamphlets papers and pictorial or other matter
(b) the provision promotion and organisation of lectures educational courses public and private meetings exhibitions and other forms of instruction and publicity
(c) the making of grants or loans for the conservation restoration and educational utilisation of buildings or engineering works of historic or architectural importance where in the opinion of the Trustees such gifts or donations will be conducive to the promotion of the objects of the Trust or any of them
(d) the bringing to public notice of threats to historic buildings and townscape and designed landscape.
VITAL: The Times reports that Stonehenge is to be ruined by a tourist development. Click here for the details and to object.